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Password support

Society members may manage their own details, view some details of other members and can pay online in the secure area of this website. Please click on the link to take you to the secure area.

You can only access the members' section of this website if you are a current member of the Society.

Your e-mail address must be registered on the membership database. If you use an e-mail address which is different from the one registered on the database, then you will not be able to request a password.

If you believe that the Society has your e-mail address, then you can request a password. If you see a message saying "No account matched this e-mail address", then you should contact the Secretariat and notify your new or correct e-mail address.

Your new password will normally be sent to your e-mail address within a few minutes. Please do NOT click "Submit" again. Please do NOT request another password.

Please note that some universities and hospitals have very high security firewalls and hence you may not receive the e-mail containing your new password. If you have not received your new password after 20 minutes, please contact the Society.

For maximum security, your new password will consist of a combination of letters, numbers and other characters. The password field is case sensitive. This means you must use the upper and lower case letters as they appear. If you experience problems, please copy and paste the password from your notification e-mail on to the correct field in the members' log-on box.

If you wish to change your new password to one which is easier to remember, please log on to the members' section of the website using your e-mail address and your password.

The password has been encrypted in our database and we cannot retrieve it for you. If you forget your password, then you will need to go to the website and request a new password.

Please also note that your browser must be able to accept cookies.

If you have forgotten your password, please use this link: Endocrinology Members Login now to reset.

You will need to return to the grants logon from the endocrinology website/grants section when you are ready.